BUYAZRE Team & Morgan Wallin
Social Media is a very important part of our business and can help us gain clients.
Not every post needs to be a viral post though. If that is the reason that we are posting then we are doing it wrong. Every post doesn’t need to be a huge success with a ton of likes or comments. We need to JUST POST!!! It only takes one person to see it or comment on it to get clients.
We need to focus on how we can get others to feel good through our Social Media. We should be our authentic self and make others happy.
Sometimes making a comment or liking someone else’s post will do just as much as posting something yourself. When we build people up and make them feel good about what they are posting that can have a huge impact.
Connect with people. Comment, direct message them, like their posts. Relate to them and Build a genuine relationship. Building others up is more important than building ourselves up.
Engage with people on their turf. People are generally more comfortable if you meet them on their turf. They will get a great feeling and it will have more of an impact.
A “like” doesn’t mean very much anymore. DM’s and comments are more important and more impactful.
The algorithm is very important. Always be mixing things up.
How to get Organic followers: Got to other accounts and look through their followers and find some that look like you would mesh and be friends. Like one of their posts. Then a few days later like another one of their posts. Then a few days after that follow them. They may follow back or they many not. Start planthing the seeds though organically. Only like things that are in common with your likes and interests. Don’t be creepy and like everything on their page all at once.
Make sure that you are interacting with the right people.