Working with Buyers
In this industry we need to be gardeners and build a Garden. We want to build something that clients are going to be attracted to and want to come to us. It is very difficult to always be the one pursuing clients. If we work on our Social Media, networking, Real Estate knowledge we will have something that attracts the people to us and is a much more organic and easier way to do business.
One of the Most important things that we MUST do when starting to work with a new buyer is to have a Buyer Presentation. This does not have to be a planed out Presentation with slides and everything. It should be more of a conversation/consultation with the client. This is where we as the agent and the buyer are both going to figure out if we are going to be able to work well together and is going to give us a chance to show our value.
We should be using the Buyer Information Sheet that is available on the BUYAZRE Library. This is give us questions to ask and details to find out from he potential buyers. We need to know ALL of the details that are covered on the Sheet. This will give us a better picture of exactly what the buyer is looking for and how we are going to be able to best help them.
If the buyer is a referral then we need to make sure that we know all of the details so that we can show the referring agent that we are a great source and we may get more in the future.
It is very important to know the source of each and every client that we help. That way we know where our business is coming from. This is important for any business but especially our business because it will give us an idea of the things that are working for us and the things that are not working for us. It will help us to plan out our years and be more successful. It will give us an idea of the things that we need to stop doing becuase they are not producing and may be wasting our time and money. It will show us the things that are working and where we really should be focusing our time, money and efforts.
We must ALWAYS know that the next step is after every meeting. No matter if that next step is small, large, the next day or months away. We need to know what that next step with the person is and THEY need to know also. If the next step is not established then there is a big chance that you may lose the client.
Make sure that they are not COMMITTED to another agent.
Even if they are “working” with another agent, that doesn’t mean it is over. be very Specific in how you ask and see how solid the relationship is with the other Agent. Did they speak once, multiple times, have they signed anything with them, how committed are they to that person, and most importantly, do they enjoy working with that person. Relationships are everything!!
Tell them that you don’t want to step on any toes and if the agent is doing a great job then let them stay with the other agent. You just want to make sure that they are getting the best service that they can and that they have a good relationship. Let them know that if anything changes you are happy to help.
When meeting with a buyer for the first time it is a great idea to create a custom search right there with them. Open up the MLS and start creating a search tailored directly to them and let them see the process. Put in exactly what they are looking for, go over some results with them and get some immediate feedback. This will help you and them build the best search possible and find them the right home.
When looking at homes we need to have honest conversations. Make sure that you don’t let YOUR tastes get in the way though. Listen to the client and what THEY like and want. It is easy for us to let our tastes, likes and dislikes get in the way and maybe deter clients. Keep your mouth shut and Listen! We may think a place is a dump but they may LOVE it!
It is important though to bring up things that might be issues now or in the future. Bring them up as letting them know and that they may be issues when trying to resell later on.
When the deal is done that is not the end of our relationship. Make sure that they know and fully understand this. Let them know that you are always there to help whether it be Real Estate or not! We should be peoples resources for many things and not just Real Estate.