Home for the Holidays
THANK YOU! We want to start this month's email out with gratitude. We understand it has been a trying year for many. We do not take it lightly when you rely on our expertise to make a big move or use us as a shoulder to lean on to just vent (you all know who you are ;-)).
While we all know how hard it has been for buyers in this market, we can happily report that we have helped 43 clients buy or rent year to date in 2021.
As the Holiday season approaches, one of the frequently asked questions we receive is, "Is it a good time to sell or buy during the Holidays?" Our answer is, "It depends." And it does. We take into account the type, condition and location of the home.
Type- Single family, townhome, patio home or condo style.
Condition- Move in ready/turn key or outdated and may be in need of repairs.
Location - On a golf course, near things to do or rural areas.
In the past, holiday time equaled less homes on the market as home sellers did not want to be disturbed. The other reason why homes were taken off the market during the holiday season was to get a higher price after the new year when more home buyers were searching for a new home. Arizona is still at extremely low inventory levels which makes it a great time to put your home on the market. There might be less showings, but the showings during the holiday season are typically very serious buyers.
Other key notes about the market during Holiday season:
If you have a 2nd home and are not using it for the winter months, we highly encourage you to rent it out (if the HOA is ok with it). The rental market is even hotter than the purchase market right now.
If you are going to list your home, we highly encourage that the listing photos do not have seasonal decorations up.
Single family homes are best right now.
Luxury Market buyers are in town and looking for options.
Real Estate agents are working less during the holidays, but BUYAZRE is committed to continue delivering great service all year round.
2021 Housing Shortage Explained
Housing Shortage Explained
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Quote of the Month
“When we focus on our gratitude, the tide of disappointment goes out and the tide of love rushes in.”
- Kristin Armstrong