Team Processes and Working with our TM

Our TM is here to help make your life easier and give you more time to spend with your Clients and your Families. There are a few different processes that we have in place in order for the agents and the TM to work together efficiently and effectively. Eric is here to write all of your offers, listings, contracts, etc…

Transaction Help - If you are starting a new Transaction and need to paperwork filled out and sent to your client you can log into the BUYAZRE Library and click on which type of Transaction you are working on. (See below)

Once you fill out the form and submit it then it will go to the TM and they will get working on it. Once the documents are complete they will be sent to you, as the agent, first for your double check and initial. This is done to ensure that everything is correct on the documents and that nothing was missed. It is on YOU as the Agent to be sure that everything is correct and that nothing is missed. Once you are sure then you will initial on the bottom of the page. After you complete your signature or initial then, and only then, will the documents be sent to your clients for signatures.

Once your clients sign the documents the TM will then upload them to Skyslope and/or send them to the other sides agent.

See below for an example of how a Listing and Buyer transaction will flow. (click the images to open them in a new window)

Other Tasks or Requests of the TM

If you have other things that you need the help of the TM with then you can create a task in Chime and assign it to Eric as the TM. Once the task is created then it will be sent to Eric and he will get it completed in a timely manner.

If the task is associated with a Lead then go into your Chime and open the page for that person.

On the bottom left of the page make sure that Eric is assigned to this lead as the Transaction Manager. If not then click on the Transaction Manager spot and assign it to Eric Herbert.

On the right side of the screen you will see the “Tasks” section. Click on the + and it will open a new window.

Fill out that form with a detailed description of what you need done. Be sure to assign the task to Eric Herbert and put a time and date that you would like it done by.

If the task that you need done is not associated with a Lead or Person in Chime that is ok also. You will follow the same steps as above except that you will not look up your client. You will look up a client named “BUYAZRE Tasks”. This is the “person” that is used to assign tasks that are not associated with a person or transaction.