Transparent Communication

  • Over Communicating is not a bad thing. Our goal is to overly communicate with everyone that we come in contact with so that there are no questions, concerns or uncertainties.

  • Ensuring everyone is on the same page and making sure that people fully Understand everything. Especially when there is a change!

  • ALWAYS have a next step. Never leave a meeting, showing, conversation without first putting into motion a next step.

  • Make sure everyone understands why we are doing something, whether that be a cross sale agent or a client. Fully explain everything before moving forward.

  • It is ok to admit that you don’t know the answer. When you don’t know the answer tell them that you will find the answer and make a next step to follow up with that answer. Don’t leave things unanswered.

  • When offering on a property it is our job to Call the Listing Agent and start establishing rapport. Get the details about the home, what the sellers are looking for and what you and your buyer can do to make the offer more appealing. There are many times that our offer may not be the best but if we have built rapport with the Listing Agent then we may still get the deal for our buyer because they trust that we will get it done and they know what type of Agent we are.

There are 3 Reasons why people meet with us

  • Make sure that you can work well together. This goes both ways. Sometimes we aren’t the best fit for a client and sometimes the client is a great fit for us. This is also when we build trust and rapport.

  • Educate clients on the process. Even if they have bought or sold in the past it is a big transaction and can be difficult and scary. We are there to educate them on the process and how WE are going to guide them through the process.

  • Educate clients on THEIR market. Every market is different and every persons situation is different.

Throughout the process of working with Clients we should be asking them how things are going for them. How is the process working well for them or how can it improve? We need to be constantly improving and sharpening our skills and process.